All current applications and reviews are posted here to ensure transparency and increase awareness.
Project Date | Proposal | Status / Final Outcome | ||
11/25/2008 |
Rochester General Hospital
- Sleep Lab
Rochester General Hospital proposes to build a four-bed sleep lab on the RGH campus. Newark Wayne Community Hospital proposes to a four-bed sleep lab on the NWCH campus. |
Withdrawn |
10/29/2008 |
Sleep Insights - Sleep
Sleep Insights proposes to add a second sleep center in Gates. |
CTAAB concluded there is need for the six sleep beds:
10/6/2008 |
Nicholas Noyes Memorial
Hospital - CT
Nicholas H. Noyes Memorial Hospital proposes to add at 16-slice CT scanner at the Livingston Health Services Extension. |
CTAAB concluded there is need for the CT scanner:
Anticipated project operational date is six months after the certificate of need approval. |
6/24/2008 |
F.F. Thompson -
F.F. Thompson proposes to expand and improve its laboratory, rehabilitation units, dietary facility, operating rooms, and ambulatory procedures unit. |
CTAAB concluded there is need for the proposed modernization:
Anticipated project operational date is June 2012. |
4/4/2008 |
Unity Hospital -
Unity Hospital proposes to construct and modernize its facility; certify 72 medical/surgical beds, seven intensive care unit beds, six coronary care unit beds, four physical medicine and rehabilitation beds, 19 traumatic brain injury beds, and two coma recovery beds; decertify a five psychiatric bed service; decertify four physical medicine and rehabilitation beds, 24 traumatic brain injury beds, and five coma recovery beds at St. Mary’s Campus. |
Final Recommendation Made | ||
1/11/2008 |
Rochester General Hospital
- Renovations &
Rochester General Hospital proposes to undertake major modernization and renovation, including adding 36 net new medical/surgical beds and a 16-slice CT scanner. |
Final Recommendation Made | ||
1/1/2008 |
Highland Hospital -
Highland Hospital proposes to purchase a daVinci robot. |
CTAAB concluded there is a need for the proposed robot:
9/1/2007 |
Beverly Prince, MD - Sleep
Beverly Prince, MD, (Warsaw ENT) proposes to build and operate a two-bed sleep lab. |
Application was withdrawn. |
9/1/2007 |
Geneva MRI - MRI
Geneva MRI proposes to provide mobile MRI service, followed by fixed magnet service, in Geneva, NY. |
CTAAB concluded there is no need for the proposed MRI services. Community MRI capacity is sufficient to meet current and projected demand. |
8/1/2007 |
Strong Memorial Hospital -
Strong Memorial Hospital proposes to build an off-site hospital-based ambulatory surgery (outpatient) center. |
CTAAB concluded there is need for the proposed ambulatory surgery center: