All current applications and reviews are posted here to ensure transparency and increase awareness.
Project Date | Proposal | Status / Final Outcome | ||
7/1/2004 |
FF Thompson CON application
transportable lithotripsy
FF Thompson Hospital CON application for the provision of transportable lithotripsy services in the central Finger Lakes region. |
CTAAB found that community need supported the implementation of the proposed services. |
6/1/2004 |
Clifton Springs Hospital
CON application for
lithotripsy services
Clifton Springs Hospital CON application for the provision of lithotripsy services in the central Finger Lakes region. |
CTAAB found that community need supported the implementation of the proposed services. |
6/1/2004 |
Ide Group at Linden
The Ide Group proposes to place a high field strength MRI at their Linden Oaks Imaging Center location. |
CTAAB found community need did not support the addition of a MRI unit at the Linden Oaks location. |
5/1/2004 |
Dent Neurological Institute
Sleep Center
Dent Neurological Institute seeks to establish a sleep center. The proposed new site/location is for two different sites: one located at 2060 Five Mile Line Road, Fairport, NY and another site at New Medical Center at Colonial Plaza, 485 Spencerport, Road, Gates, NY. |
CTAAB found that community need did not support a sleep disorders center for proposed east and west suburb locations. |
5/1/2004 |
The Greater Rochester
Digestive & Liver
Diseases Center ASC
The Greater Rochester Digestive & Liver Diseases Center, LLC and William Y. Chey, MD, D.Sc. & Associates for Digestive and Liver Diseases, PLLC submit a Certificate of Need (CON) application, in the name of the Center, for a gastrointestinal diagnostic and therapeutic office facilities to become a single specialty Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC). The facilities have been part of a practice in gastroenterology and hepatology at 222 Alexander Streeter, Rochester, NY, since June of 2000. The proposed Center will remain on this former Genesee Hospital complex in the heart of the City of Rochester. |
CTAAB found that there is not a community need for the proposed capacity. CTAAB received an appeal from the proponent. CTAAB reversed its original recommendation based upon new data provided by the proponent and the FLHSA. CTAAB found that community need supported the proposed change in capacity for procedure rooms only. |
5/1/2004 |
Rochester General Hospital
CON renovation
Rochester General Hospital CON application for the renovation of the Emergency Department, Rochester Heart Institute Entrance and additon, Ambulatory Procedures (Endoscopy) Center, and Patient Access Pavilion |
CTAAB found that community need supported the proposed major renovation and expansion project |
4/1/2004 |
Park Ridge Hospital Major
Renovations and
Park Ridge proposes to expand and renovate the Emergency Department (ED), to renovate the surgical suite, to replace cardiac catherization equipment, to add CT scanning, to provide supportive spaces for hospital-based physicians, and to expand parking and related site development, |
CTAAB concluded community need supported the proposed renovation and construction project. The ED expansion/ renovation, including development of a Special Care Unit, will decrease crowding in the ED and diversion of ED volume to other area hospitals and will support projected increases in ED volumes, including peak volume, while improving staffing and operational efficiencies. The additional and upgraded OR capacity in the hospital setting will be beneficial to the community. The impact of the proposal on community cost does not appear to be excesive. The proposal satisfies community access objectives. |
4/1/2004 |
Highland Hospital CON
renovation project
Highland Hospital CON application for the renovation of the 6th floor of the East wing to accommodate the addition of 21 new inpatient beds. |
CTAAB found that community need supported the redevelopment of the 21 acute care inpatient beds. CTAAB recommends approval of the application. |
3/1/2004 |
Culver Park
Culver Park Surgicenter, LLC, proposes to establish, construct, and operate a multi-specialty ambulatory surgery diagnostic & treatment center at 2615 Culver Road, Rochester. |
CTAAB found no evidence supporting community need for the proposed capacity: OR shortages, to the extent they exist, are found in hospital settings.New freestanding surgery center capacities have not yet been absorbed by the community.There is adequate specialty capacity to perform GI surgical procedures.The proposed center would add to community cost. |
2/1/2004 |
Highland Hospital OR
Highland Hospital proposes to add two operating rooms. |
CTAAB concluded the need for additional OR capacity in the hospital setting would be beneficial to the community. |