
All current applications and reviews are posted here to ensure transparency and increase awareness.

Recent Applications

Project Date Proposal Status / Final Outcome
9/1/2003 Strong Memorial Hospital Adding Observation Beds

Strong Memorial Hospital CON application to add observation beds to the Emergency Department.

CTAAB found that community need supported the addition of observation beds to the Emergency Department due to current and anticipated future demand.

8/1/2003 Fourth Floor Addition for Lakeside Memorial Hospital

Lakeside Memorial Hospital proposes to construct a 4th floor addition to the hospital and relocate surgery services to that area to include 3 OR's now, with space for a 4th OR at a later time. The existing 1st floor surgery service to be renovated to provide 4 new LDRP rooms, a delivery room, as well as maternity support spaces, a new corridor for improved circulation, and future space for ambulatory surgery.

Based on the information reviewed, CTAAB found that community need supported the upgrade of existing surgical and obstetric spaces to improve functionality.

8/1/2003 Extension Clinic with ENT Services for Strong Memorial Hospital

Strong Memorial Hospital proposes to add an extension clinic that provides Otolaryngology (ENT), Speech-Language Pathology, and Audiology outpatient services which are anticipated to be located at 2365 South Clinton Avenue.


8/1/2003 Canandaigua Orthopaedic Associates Propose MRI at Farmington, NY

Canandaigua Orthopaedic Associates, P.C. proposes to place an extremity MRI system at their satellite office located at 1160 Corporate Drive, Farmington, NY.

CTAAB found community need did not support the addition of an extremity MRI unit at the Farmington location.

7/1/2003 Advanced Imaging Associates at Genesee Country Mall

Advanced Imaging Associates, PC proposes to place a fixed MRI unit at their Genesee Country Mall location.

CTAAB found that community need did not support an additional MRI unit in the Batavia area.

7/1/2003 After Hours Imaging at Buell Road

After Hours Imaging proposes to provide mobile imaging services for CAT and MRI at their Buell Road location.


7/1/2003 Additional CT Unit for Strong Memorial Hospital

Strong Memorial Hospital is requesting an additional CT unit for the Emergency Department.

CTAAB found that community need supported the addition of an incremental CT scanner for the Emergency Department due to current and anticipated future demand.

6/1/2003 Fixed PET-CT in Rochester Science Park

The Radiologists of the University of Rochester propose to place a fixed PET/CT scanner in Rochester Science Park (adjacent to Highland Park) with an attached cyclotron.

Application is superseded by NT130.

6/1/2003 The Ide Group at Clinton Crossing

The Ide Group proposes to place a fixed PET-CT scanner at their Clinton Crossing facility site.

CTAAB found that community need supported the addition of this new technology (pet-ct) to the region for patient care. CTAAB recommends that current PET operators be allowed to upgrade their equipment to pet-ct for the same number of days as previously approved by CTAAB; no additional days shall be added for pet-ct services provided by IDE radiology.

6/1/2003 Vantage Mobile Services in Lower Western New York

Vantage Mobile Services proposes to provide lithotripsy service to health care facilities in lower western New York/Finger Lakes region.
