
All current applications and reviews are posted here to ensure transparency and increase awareness.

Recent Applications

Project Date Proposal Status / Final Outcome
2/1/1998 Viagra (sildenafil citrate) for Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra is the first oral medication for the use of erectile dysfunction

CTAAB found that the lack of cost-effectiveness literature regarding Viagra makes it uncertain what level of expenditure is justified by community need at this time.

1/1/1998 New Technologies to Improve the Accuracy of Pap Smears

ThinPrep, PAPNET and AutoPap are technologies designed to reduce the rate of false negative Pap smears.

CTAAB found that currently the cost of these technologies, relative to their benefits to the Rochester area does not warrant widespread use. CTAAB recommended redoubling community efforts aimed at increasing the rate of conventional cervical cancer screening using Pap smears among both insured and uninsured women.

3/1/1997 Stereotactic Large Core Needle Breast Biopsy (update)

Payers asked CTAAB to revisit its 1993 recommendation on the subject.

CTAAB reaffirmed its previous recommendation that a maximum of two stereotactic large core needle breast biopsy machines is sufficient.

2/1/1997 Transurethral Needle Ablation (TUNA) and Microwave Thermotherapy for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Microwave thermotherapy and TUNA of the prostate are new techniques that destroy prostate tissue to relieve moderate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a chronic, progressive condition often seen in middle aged and older men.

CTAAB recommended to:

  • Encourage continued research of microwave thermotherapy at Strong Memorial Hospital using a device under FDA review.
  • Encourage community acquisition of one FDA approved device in a most efficient, accessible setting, and
  • Develop findings on capacity.
1/1/1997 Need for Additional MRI Capacity

CTAAB reviewed two separate requests to bring additional MRI units to the Rochester area.

CTAAB found that there is no need for additional MRI capacity at this time.

3/1/1996 Partial Ventriculectomy

A new untested procedure to treat end-stage cardiac failure, partial ventriculectomy involves removing a section of muscle from an over-stretched heart to enable the heart to pump more efficiently.

The board recommended not paying for procedures until there is a controlled study demonstrating efficacy.

2/1/1996 Mobile Lithotripsy Update

CTAAB received a second request for a mobile unit (see 1995).

CTAAB upheld its 1995 finding of no need for an additional lithotripsy unit in the Rochester area.

1/1/1996 Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) for Sites Below the Neck

Special software enables improved MRI imaging of the vasculature.

CTAAB recommended that MRA below the neck is acceptable for persons with dye intolerance/allergy problems and should be offered as an option to patients fearful of the risks of conventional angiography.

9/1/1995 Bone Densitometry for Menopausal Women

CTAAB had been following this issue since 1993. In late 1995, FDA approved Fosamax to treat osteoporosis; evidence shows that test results from bone densitometry can aid in medical decision making, rendering the test (DEXA or QCT) valuable.

Insurance coverage needed for some testing; capacity in region (as of 11/95) is adequate, and no additional capacity (DEXA scanners or QCT) is needed.

8/1/1995 Universal Hepatitis B Vaccine

CTAAB studied newly issued recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; noted that younger children are easier to vaccine due to compliance factors.

All children up to, and including age 12 should be vaccinated. Adolescents should be vaccinated if presumed at risk.